About us
What unites all of us at Ambrosys:
We are very, very curious.
Many of us have a background in physics. We believe we can see things others can’t see. We can control things others find too complex to get a grip on.
We started developing artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms at a time when it was still called "data analysis" or "numerical optimization". And nowadays, AI became a buzzword. Sigh. However – we consider ourselves pioneers of the AI trade, and we never stopped pioneering.
Since then, hardware capabilities and software technology have exploded. Now, we combine the development of new algorithms and learning new technology.
Our Team
We are a team of highly motivated persons. Developers, data scientists, agile coaches, thinkers, managers - in short, we adopt the roles it needs to solve the tasks our customers want to get done. No need for superpowers - we work our way through the IT jungle with know-how, perseverance, and empathy.
Gender balance has a high value at Ambrosys. The employees are mainly found from physics, computer science, and mathematics. Given the typical (German) proportion of females in tech-relates studies we try to surpass this ratio. At the moment with a 1/5 percentage of female workers. To maintain and intensify a balanced composition of workers Ambrosys screens first female applicants for jobs, and tries to offer the possibility for non-tech females to undergo a specialized education at the company such that needed tasks in operations and development can be done. In addition we are searching internationally, in particular from countries, where females are not underrepresented in the tech sector.
Ambrosys monitors consequently gender balance with appropriate tools in the HR department and ensures a good work-life balance with flexible working hours and home office.